About Me
Based in NY, I'm a multifaceted tech enthusiast with experience in hardware, software, network operations, cybersecurity, and audio-visual systems. In my spare time, I love tinkering with 3D printers and drones, using my electronics and software background to build everything from custom parts to high performance racing drones.
Currently, I'm advancing my skillset in software engineering and web development, using technologies like React, TypeScript, Astro, and Next.js to build performant web applications. I'm also experimenting with large language models, building infrastructure around models to improve output quality and flexibility for creative use cases.
About This Website
This is website is built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and React. It serves as my portfolio website, showcasing my technical skills, blog posts, and projects, while also acting as a sandbox to try things and add new features as I continue to learn and grow as a software developer.