Written by Bassim Shahidy on

How I used Astro to build this website

This is my first blog post, it describes several fundamental concepts I learned and used to build this website using Astro and TailwindCSS, such as Astro layouts and components, markdown styling, and variables in Astro.

I chose to build this site with Astro and TailwindCSS for several reasons. Astro is an excellent framework to build a portfolio website with and is a joy to work with thanks to it’s rich documentation and intuitive structure. It allows for progressive enhancement, gradually adding new and more complex features to the site as I learn more about web development and Astro’s features.

TailwindCSS provides a well thought out design system that speeds up development by abstracting CSS classes into utility classes designed to be used in conjunction with each other. This promotes a consistent design system and speeds up development.


In Astro, layouts are used to create a base structure for pages which can include the websites main components and styling like navbars, footers, and the main color scheme. Layouts can also be used to import other layouts, allowing for a nested layout structure; for example, a base layout containing HTML boilerplate and SEO, and a markdown layout which provides styling and compoents for blog posts and articles.

Base Layout

I first created a BaseLayout.astro file to set up the basic structure of my pages. This layout includes the HTML boilerplate, head section, my navbar and footer components, and a <slot /> tag where the page’s content is inserted. A named <slot /> tag is also used in the head section to allow for the insertion of additional page specific head elements like schema data and meta tags.

In this layout I’m using Astro.props to pass the title and description of the page to the layout. This allows the these fields to be set dynamically based on each page’s content.

import Footer from '@components/Footer.astro';
import NavBar from '@components/NavBar.astro';
import '@styles/global.css';
const { description, title } = Astro.props;
<html lang="en" class="dark min-h-dvh scroll-pt-16">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<meta name="description" content={description} />
<slot name="head" />
<body class="flex flex-col items-center">
<NavBar />
<slot />
<Footer />
:root {
@apply bg-primary-50;
:root.dark {
@apply bg-primary-950;

Main Layout

I then created a MainLayout.astro file which imports my base layout, defines the schema data for my website’s main pages, and passes metadata like the title and description to the base layout’s meta tags.

To pass page specific metadata to the base layout, I use the spread operator with Astro.props allowing all properties defined on the main layout component to be available to the base layout.

import BaseLayout from '@layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
<BaseLayout {...Astro.props}>
<script slot="head" type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "ProfilePage",
"mainEntity": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Bassim Shahidy",
"alternateName": "bassimshahidy",
"description": "IT Technician at NYC Bar Association",
"sameAs": [
"jobTitle": "IT Technician",
"worksFor": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "NYC Bar Association"
"url": "https://bassimshahidy.com",
"contactPoint": {
"@type": "ContactPoint",
"email": "bassim@bassimshahidy.com",
"contactType": "professional"
<slot />

On each page, the title and description props are defined on the main layout component, and are then passed to the base layout.

title="Bassim Shahidy"
description="Bassim Shahidy's personal website"

Markdown Layout

I also created a MDLayout.astro file to define the styling and structure for blog posts. This layout is a lot more complex than the main layout, it includes styling for markdown content, a table of contents, post specific schema data, and image handling.

const { frontmatter, headings } = Astro.props;
import TableOfContents from '@components/TableOfContents.astro';
import BaseLayout from '@layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
const isoDate = new Date(frontmatter.pubDate).toISOString().substring(0, 10);
const imageUrl = new URL(frontmatter.image, Astro.request.url).href;
const images = import.meta.glob<{ default: ImageMetadata }>(
if (frontmatter.image && !images[frontmatter.image])
throw new Error(`"${frontmatter.image}" does not exist in images directory"`);
const jsonLD = {
'@context': 'https://schema.org',
'@type': 'BlogPosting',
headline: frontmatter.title,
description: frontmatter.description,
...(frontmatter.image ? { image: imageUrl } : {}),
url: Astro.request.url,
datePublished: isoDate + 'T08:00:00-05:00',
author: {
'@type': 'Person',
name: 'Bassim Shahidy',
jobTitle: 'IT Technician',
worksFor: {
'@type': 'Organization',
name: 'NYC Bar Association',
'Bassim Shahidy is an IT specialist with experience in information technologies, audio visual technologies, and computer science. Bassim also has a vast set of academic interests including history, political science, and philosophy.',
url: 'https://bassimshahidy.com',
sameAs: [
contactPoint: {
'@type': 'ContactPoint',
email: 'bassim@bassimshahidy.com',
contactType: 'professional',
const schema = JSON.stringify(jsonLD, null, 2);
<BaseLayout {...frontmatter}>
<script slot="head" type="application/ld+json" set:html={schema} />
<div class="mx-6 flex justify-center">
<div class="xl:w-[240px]"></div>
class="prose max-w-sm dark:prose-invert prose-h1:pt-2 prose-a:decoration-accent-400 prose-a:underline-offset-[3px] prose-a:transition-colors prose-a:duration-100 hover:prose-a:text-accent-300 prose-code:font-normal prose-code:text-accent-600
prose-hr:border-accent-500 prose-code:dark:text-accent-400 dark:prose-hr:border-accent-400 dark:prose-hr:border-opacity-60 sm:max-w-lg
lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl">
<div class="mb-1 flex justify-start">
class="written-by max-w-fit rounded-md bg-accent-300/25 px-2 py-1 text-sm text-accent-500 dark:bg-accent-700/25 dark:text-accent-400">
Written by {frontmatter.author} on {frontmatter.pubDate}
frontmatter.image && (
<slot />
class="hidden min-h-full prose-a:transition-colors prose-a:duration-100 lg:block">
<TableOfContents headings={headings} />

Frontmatter and Astro.props

Frontmatter variables defined in markdown files make post specific metadata available to the Astro.props object: const { frontmatter } = Astro.props;

This allows these values to be accessed by the base layout’s {description} and {title} variables by spreading {...frontmatter} into it.

SEO Schema

I created a JSON-LD object to define the schema data for each blog post. This object uses values from the frontmatter to set the headline, description, and date published from each blog post and includes the post’s image if it exists.

The published date is formatted to be compatible with the ISO 8601 standard to comply with Google’s schema specifications and the image URL is created for locally hosted images using the new URL() method to provide a full image URL to the schema based on the current page’s URL.

Image Optimization

Images are optimized using the Astro Image component. In order to optimize each post’s images dynamically, they need to be imported into the layout file’s Image component. I used the import.meta.glob function to selectively import a post’s image from the /src/images directory by filtering through them using the frontmatter.image value, then imported the image using {images[frontmatter.image]()}.

Importing Layouts

Layouts are imported differently depending on the file type.

Markdown Files

layout: '../../layouts/MDLayout.astro';

Astro Files

import MainLayout from '../layouts/MainLayout.astro';

Markdown styling

TailwindCSS resets default browser styles so all HTML elements rendered from markdown look like plain text. To style markdown, I used the official @tailwindcss/typography plugin which provides well thought out, opinionated markdown styling.

module.exports = {
plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/typography')],

Prose is the main utility class used to style markdown. There are a wide range of prose modifiers that can be used to change the look of the content such as prose-sm to make the text smaller or prose-lg to make it larger and modifiers to target each element type like prose-h1 or prose-headings to target all headings. In addition prose-invert changes the default color of all text to white as opposed to.

class="prose-hr:border-accent prose prose-invert prose-h1:pt-2"></article>

Syntax Highlighting

By default Astro will highlight any code in markdown files. Changing the code syntax highlighting theme in Astro is easy, I just needed to add a shikiConfig object to the astro.config.mjs file and set the desired theme.

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import tailwind from '@astrojs/tailwind';
export default defineConfig({
markdown: {
shikiConfig: {
theme: 'material-theme-ocean',
integrations: [tailwind()],

Card Component

To display content, I created a customizable Card component. This component accepts a variety of props which can be used to configure the component for the page it’s being imported into.

The Card also conditionally renders title, subtitle, and heading if they are provided to the component. If not, only content passed to the slot is rendered within the Card.

There are also variable styles which can be defined based on the props passed. For example, padding sets a default padding value to card-p, a custom TailwindCSS @layer component I created to define card padding. The padding prop can also be set to a custom value when the component is called in a file, overriding the default value.

The variant prop defines whether or not the Card has a border, it’s two values being bordered and borderless. When this prop isn’t set, the Card defaults to bordered.

noMargin removes the component’s default mx-4 margins. I use this to remove margins for smaller Card components like my Projects component.

displayHr displays a horizontal divider between the title, subtitle and main card content.

And the class prop allows me to pass any custom classes I want when calling this component in a file.

interface Props {
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
heading?: string;
variant: 'bordered' | 'borderless';
displayHr?: boolean;
padding?: string;
class?: string;
noMargin?: boolean;
const {
padding = 'card-p',
class: className,
noMargin = false,
} = Astro.props;
class={`prose prose-slate dark:prose-invert max-w-3xl rounded-lg prose-h2:font-semibold prose-h2:opacity-80 dark:prose-h2:opacity-60 ${padding} ${className} ${noMargin ? '' : 'mx-4'} ${
variant === 'borderless' ? '' : 'border-card'
{title && <h1 class="mb-2">{title}</h1>}
{subtitle && <h2 class="mt-0">{subtitle}</h2>}
{displayHr && <hr class="mb-8 border-accent-500" />}
{heading && <h3 class="mb-1">{heading}</h3>}
<slot name="content" />
html.light {
@apply prose-headings:text-dark;

The Card uses a <slot> to insert any type or amount of HTML elements when the component is called in a file.

<slot name="content" />

When inserting new elements, name="content" is defined on them to identify all elements to be rendered within the <slot> element. A single wrapper div can also be defined with name="content" and any elements wrapped by that div will be slotted into the Card component.

title="Bassim Shahidy"
subtitle="IT Technician at the New York City BAR Association">
<p slot="content" class="text-lg">lorem ipsum</p>
<p slot="content">lorem ipsum</p>

Using the Card component in pages

This example shows how I implemented the <Card /> component on my index.astro page. The component is imported in the frontmatter with import Card from '@components/Card.astro'; and is used to wrap the main content on my page. In this page I set the variant prop to borderless, passed a title and subtitle, and created a couple <p> elements with slot="content" so they’re properly slotted into the Card component.

title="Bassim Shahidy"
subtitle="IT Specialist at the New York City BAR Association"
<p slot="content">
Based in NY, I'm an IT Professional with a wealth of experience in hardware,
software management, network operations, cybersecurity, and audio-visual
systems. Currently, my focus is on advancing my skillset in software
engineering and web development, utilizing the latest programming
technologies to enhance user experiences and system performance.
<p slot="content">
In addition, I'm exploring AI and machine learning, seeking to understand
and apply these technologies in practical scenarios. My technical repertoire
also includes 3D printing—where I skillfully build and maintain printers for
precision parts—and drone building, where I apply my electronics and
software knowledge to create and pilot high-performance drones.

Projects component

I created a Projects component to display web development projects I’ve worked on. In this component I used the Card component within a function that maps over and displays each project in an unordered list. I customized the card for this component by setting it to bordered, with a custom padding value passed to the padding prop, and noMargin set to true

<ul class="grid list-none gap-4 pl-0 md:grid-cols-2">
projects.map((project) => (
<Card variant="bordered" padding="p-3.5" noMargin={true}>
<div slot="content">
class="flex items-center justify-between text-[1.2rem] font-semibold no-underline"
<span class="dark:text-light hover:dark:text-muted-light/75">
class="mx-2 size-5 opacity-70 hover:opacity-100"
<p class="mt-2.5 line-clamp-2 text-[0.925rem]">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
{project.data.tags.map((tag) => (
<div class="rounded-xl border border-accent-400 bg-accent-50 px-2 py-1 text-sm text-accent-700/85 dark:border-accent-500/15 dark:bg-accent-500/10 dark:text-accent-300">

Using Astro’s Content Collections

My projects utilize Astro’s content collections, each project is defined as a single YAML file within a content/projects directory and are made available to the Projects component with const projects = await getCollection('projects');

title: FlaskGPT
description: A customizable GPT-3.5/4 chat application built with Flask and plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
tags: [Flask, OpenAI, Python, JavaScript]
url: https://github.com/AVGVSTVS96/flaskGPT

Now, when I want to add a new project, all I have to do is create a new YAML file with my project’s information in /projects and it will automatically be rendered within a card in the Projects component.