Building menus and buttons in Astro
This is how I built my navigation menu, dropdown, and button components in Astro.
Nav Bar Component
I created a Nav bar component for my site, in it I import Button and DropdownMenu components in addition to two logos, one for mobile and one for desktop.
---import Button from './subComponents/Button.astro';import DropdownMenu from './subComponents/DropdownMenu.astro';---
<div class="navbar-container sticky top-0 z-10 mb-8 w-full bg-slate-900 py-2 pl-4 pr-2 sm:w-5/6 sm:rounded-b-lg"> <div class="button-container flex items-center justify-between gap-6"> <a href="/"> <img src="../astroLogo.svg" alt="Astro Logo" class="w-30 hidden h-8 opacity-80 md:block" /> <img src="../astro-icon-light.svg" alt="Astro Logo" class="h-8 w-8 opacity-80 sm:block md:hidden" /> </a> <div class="md:text-md flex lg:text-lg"> <Button name="Home" link="/" /> <Button name="About" link="/about" /> <Button name="Blog" link="/posts/blog1" /> <DropdownMenu name="Projects" links={[ { name: 'Minimal Typography', url: '/designProject' }, { name: 'Old Flask Site', url: '/flaskSite' }, ]} /> </div> </div></div>
Button Component
I created a button component with variable styling including the ability to add a caret icon when the button is being used to trigger a dropdown menu. The button component accepts several props including name
, link
, id
, showCaret
, and styles
which are used to customize the button component when it’s called.
---interface Props { name: string; link?: string; id?: string; showCaret?: boolean; styles?: string;}
const { name, link, id, showCaret = false, styles = '' } = Astro.props;---
<a href={link} id={id} class=`mx-2 flex rounded-lg px-3 py-2 font-normal text-slate-200 hover:bg-slate-800 text-opacity-70 hover:text-opacity-100 transition-color duration-200 max-w-max ${styles}`> <button class="flex"> {name} { showCaret && ( <svg class="caret-icon ml-1 mt-1 h-5 w-5 lg:h-6 lg:w-6" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.1"> <path d="M8 9l5 5 5-5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> ) } </button></a><style> .dropdown-active { @apply bg-slate-800; }
.caret-icon { transition: transform 0.15s ease-in-out; will-change: transform; } .dropdown-active .caret-icon { transform: rotate(180deg); }</style>
Dropdown Menu Component
The DropdownMenu component uses the Button component to open a dropdown menu with links to project pages on my website.
---interface Link { name: string; url: string;}
interface Props { name: string; links: Link[];}
const { name = 'Dropdown', links = [] } = Astro.props;import Button from './Button.astro';---
<div class="relative"> <Button name={name} id="dropdown-button" showCaret={true} /> <div id="dropdown" class="absolute mt-2 hidden text-balance rounded-md bg-slate-800 p-[0.5px] sm:ml-2 md:w-40"> { => ( <a href={link.url} class="m-1 block rounded-md px-2 py-2 text-sm text-slate-300/80 transition-colors duration-200 hover:bg-slate-700 hover:text-slate-200/95"> {} </a> )) } </div></div>
<script> const button = document.getElementById('dropdown-button'); const dropdown = document.getElementById('dropdown');
button.addEventListener('click', (event) => { dropdown.classList.toggle('hidden'); button.classList.toggle('dropdown-active'); event.stopPropagation(); });
document.addEventListener('click', () => { button.classList.remove('dropdown-active'); dropdown.classList.add('hidden'); });</script>